Wednesday, January 9, 2013

An introduction... a twenty something life. How do all those picturesque storybooks of our elementary education, all the free-rent shelter and no-cost cuisine of home, all those college courses where absence in class post -Thursday party was not only expected, but also permissible, prepare one for the sudden onslaught of having to become a adult? As I have doesn’t. Like all before me and those currently figuring it out with me (heyyy, shout out to my fellow young professionals-in-crime/esteemed peers/bestie biffles), I have recently had to face the classic, coming-of-age story of every youth encounters from the known here-and-now to the unknown future. It is a timeless narrative, filled with the same acute epiphanies, impossible ideals, and primal wanderlust that directed Christopher McCandless to travel Into the Wild, Paul McCartney to chase "Yesterday",   and Che Guevara to choose a life of communism. Ok, maybe not that extreme. But if anything, the twenty-something life has brought me here, to write a blog. 

Yes, granted I know this is not the most original idea or anticipated finale to my thoughts above. However, since everyone and their mom can now share their thoughts via social media (the best invention since sliced bread? That's a whole other discussion),  I figure it wouldn't hurt to add mine to the mix. Besides, if Maya Angelou's eloquent statement, "There is no greater agony than bearing a untold story inside of you", can evoke the same vitality, yearning, passion as Lea Dunham's quest to " the voice of my generation. Or at least, a voice. Of a generation.", whats to saying anything is impossible?

As for me,  I'm about as twenty-something as you can get. After graduating undergrad in Spring 2012 as a under-qualified, over-idealistic, unemployed intern I decided to move to the mecca of twenty-somethings: Washington, D.C. While I am happily employed now (and finally able to afford more than cereal in my fridge) I am still chasing my dream of becoming a full-time writer, armed with my liberal arts education and anthropology degree. Watch out world! In the meantime, I would describe myself as a culture-junkie, literary bohemian, foodie adventurer, social justice advocate, art history enthusiast, sorority girl, wino, and existential addict. Basically, all the possible stereotypes of a struggling contemporary heroine in a romantic comedy. Well, that is at least what I tell myself to feel better when I starting drinking $3 wine and deconstructing modern art on Tuesday nights. 

So here it begins. Another blog of the post-graduate years from another voice in the great chaos of a opinionated online community. It will be a home my raging self-doubts and boundless dreams, harsh realizations and desperate hopes, unforgiving rants and really bad grammar. Hopefully it won't make you want to throw up when I start trying to be pensive and poetic. Because aren't we all jaded, tortured youths just trying to find our way in the world? I like to think so.

I also wanted to start this blog to connect with the virtual community as a way for other twenty somethings (whether in age or in spirit of course!) to share their own thoughts and experiences about this great journey called life. Stories are what we need most in the world as a way to connect past all the other bullshit society imposes on us, and fear proves the incentive to express, reflect, and connect in a way only words can offer. Other than that, this blog is my attempt to be held accountable for some sort of writing on a weekly basis so I can purge the frustrating well of creativity that bubbles up during my 9-5 job. Also, if someone wanted to give me a writing job after this thing gets going that would be great too.

“I’ve been to a lot of places and done a lot of things, but writing was always first. It’s a kind of pain I can’t do without.” 

Robert Penn Warren

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